Questions and answers about water

What is special about Shammaim

Shammaim is a water system based on an ancient method mentioned in the Bible, combined with modern technology. Made of 99% pure copper and special magnets to change the electromagnetic frequency of the water

The system is made of quality local materials

Shammaim is a water system that is installed at the entrance to the home water system and provides living water in all the faucets in the house, including the showers and irrigation faucets

The only system in Israel that does not require maintenance and replacement of parts

Simple user experience, for example does not require electricity

The water is rich in copper, silver and gold energy that does not produce scale

Addressing healing consciousness and the effect of our consciousness on water is an integral part of our solution

Why copper?

Why is it important that the whole house has living water and not just what I drink?

Water is essential to our daily life and is the basis of life. There is a huge difference between the water we have and the water we really need

Water in nature flows freely

Water in nature is fed by the sun and starlight

Water in nature is enriched with minerals from the earth

Does the system require maintenance?

No. Just installation